Friends of the Northern Kashmir, Hello
Mamostong Story !A small newsletter for a big news: you will be able to follow the Mamoston Story on Balnkonthemap. What what the hell is that you will tell me! well, it's the live coverage of the french expedition up Mamostong, standing at 7516m. And? The Mamostong, the "thousand devils mountain", is a mythical mountain for several reasons. From a historical point of view, merchants on the famed Silk Road looked up its frozen flank, on the terrible portion up the Saser La.
The area is still closed to visitors, because of its location close to the Indo-Chinese conflict. Except for Paulo Grobel, who managed to get the doors open to this mountain paradise, where summits like Aqtash (7016m), the Chong Kumdan group and teh Saser Kangri, constitute a gigantic range of ice and rocks, mysterious and unknown.The ascents Are rare on these dangerous mountains: well done M. Grobel for being the head of this great idea!
After the 19th, Paulo will call me every 4 days to let me know his progress on the final assault.... Let's wish him a safe trip for this uncommon ascent on this magnificent mountain!Bruno,
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