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Friends of the Northern Kashmir, Hello !

ENORMOUS update for this Newsletter: the detailed description of one of the most fantastic area in the world, the area of Biafo glacier! Area sliced by one of the most strongest glacier out of the polar areas, inhabited by the most difficult mountains in the world, Baintha Brakk & Latoks groups :

You will be able to read successes but especially failures and sometimes dramas which marked out the history of all of the summits of Baintha Brakk and Latoks. You will discover also the hidden valleys of Solu and Sokha (already full of mystery after the accounts of the large Bullock-Workman exploration, W.M.Conway and B Tilman) and their summits (Redakh Brakk, Shel Chakpa, Barbanchen, Uzum Brakk...). The northern mountains as Bobisghir, Hanispispur are certainly more known but are still adventurous mountains.

For the last newsletter, I wish you all my best wishes for the new year, hopefully full of adventure and discoveries for 2007!

Bruno, webmaster of web site.

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Date : 24/12/06 (

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