Greetings to all mountain lovers!

The violence in which the earth moved in Kashmir, and the difficulty in reaching the 500 000 or so villagers left with no support are a
testimony to the remoteness of this region set in this nature that can be so unforgiving... As always the surprise effect was prominent,
but let's remember that the earth has not stopped moving in this region since the last 50 Millions years. We can say right now that,
as it happened in 1934, the Kathmandu valley, which is part of the Unesco world heritage, will be hit by a strong earthquake, which
could happened very soon, the experts say. This knowledge will not stop the buildings from falling down and the hundreds of casualties, but it might help us to better prepare ourselves to help. If you wish to give something to the people hit by this catastrophe, 2 french humanitarian associations is available here :

The Alliances Françaises of Pakistan :
With a special letter here :

But this disaster might have good repercussions. In fact, India offered its help to Pakistan, who accepted. The line of Control was
therefore partially open. The phone line between the 2 sides of Kashmir was reinstalled, separated family reunited, something that
hadn't happened in the last 15 years. At the end of this page, you will find link that cover these issues (BRUNO, PB, ces liens dont tu
parles sont French...). Durable cooperation or short lived one? Only the future will tell us...

Here are the 3 latest updates on Blank:

· All the maps on the mountainous region of Central Asia and South Asia are now accessible. I hope you will find these maps (1/500 000) useful for your next trip in the asian wilderness! The mpas are in Soviet, so get to your Ruski!

A selection of videos relating to North Kashmir, to give you a feel foe the place :

A very interesting interface on Google Earth allows you to locate all summits above 7000m in the Hindukush and Karakoram region. Still, lots of work is left to be done in order to locate the numerous summits of the Himalaya and Tibet region. If you like, you can
contact for your expertise...

Finally, a new book titled "Hautes vallées du Pakistan" ("High valleys of Pakistan"), by PIerre Neyret, just came out. A very beautiful mountain book written by specialists fond of this area. A must for North Kashmir lovers.

Hundreds of images were generously given to Blank. We will soon be hosting an exceptional image bank, a good idea if you would like to get exposure. If you are interested and would like to know more, please contact me.

See you soon on !


16/11/04 (

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